Monday, June 4, 2012

Letter #8 (Shreveport, LA)

     We heard from Elder Maddox today it was brief but I was happy to get it!  He sounds amazing. He spends 3 hours a day studying!!! (That does my heart good!)   He is already saying "Y' all" and has a baptism scheduled for July 1st.  He really enjoys his new trainer, Elder Spangler. Steven says that "Elder Spangler knows everything!"  I am asked all the time; how I am doing and if the time is going fast or slow...  Well, I am so happy that he has chosen to serve a mission that it does help the sting of him being gone.  I have anticipated this since he was born and that helps too.  I miss having his fun personality in our home.  For me his first week was the easiest, I think because I was so excited for him.  But as the weeks went on it really sunk in that we wont be seeing him for 2 full years!  I am doing okay now butt I definitely have my moments; when I am writing him a letter, when I am counting heads to make sure everyone is there or when I need his help with something...  I still have to go through all 3 of my boys names to call the right one and he has been gone for weeks.  But just when I seem to be really down or miss him so bad that it hurts, I receive a tender mercy.  Even as I was updating this blog and missing him so much, I received a text from Tracey Barrow in Louisiana telling me that she had just fed the missionaries!  She said that Elder Maddox is doing great and she even sent a picture!  She said what great example the missionaries are to her 3 year old son! It's such a great feeling to know that my son is now setting the example for future generations.  Wow, how about that as an answer to my prayers. 
 I love technology and my missionary!!! 

Elder Maddox far left.  The little one...all 6 feet 200 pounds of him!
Well... imagine my surprise when a couple hours after my short email came I received the "real" weekly email.  It was written about the same time, the time stamps were the same, it just arrived much later so here it is...

       Crazy thought!
Alright, here is a crazy thought! Exactly one year ago from tomorrow is when I left for Savannah Georgia to go and sell alamarms! It feels like that was just yesterday when I had to say goodbye to my friends and family for that adventure. And just like my first journey into the south, my second trip is proving to be amazing!! This week we have been meeting with many of our investigators, quite often and this was the week of "signs". For whatever reason, many of the people whom we have been teaching found out this week that the church is true through some miracle or another. It would take me more than my allotted time of one hour at the library! Another weird thought is that I am entering into my 4th week as a missionary in Shreveport. It feels like I just got here! Time becomes irrelevant when you're in the service of your Lord! While two years is a scary amount of time to leave home, it will fly by, so to anyone who doesn't know if they can give two years, here is a quote for you "The Lord doesn't ask about your ability, only your availability; and, if you prove your dependability, the Lord will increase your capability." Spencer W. Kimball. The Lord will compensate for all that we lack if we put ourselves in a position to be uplifted by him. He doesn't care about what your skills may be, or even the lack there of, but He does care that you are willing to put His name on over your heart everyday, and endure more than you thought possible. If you are willing to do that for Him, willing to be called names, willing to be rejected, willing to be mocked, ridiculed, yelled at, cussed at, more tired than you thought possible, then, He will raise you up, and "increase your capability". Remember that Christ suffered for all of our sins. But He did so much more than that, He felt the pains, sorrow, guilt, and anguish that each of us has EVER felt. Because He felt it all, He knows how to help us cope with it all, and He is anxisouly waiting for you to call on Him.
~Elder Maddox


  1. Wow Lisa!!! I'm so impressed with your missionary! I know it will greatly bless your family. The Ingram family will have to write him a letter. So Awesome!

  2. I know he would love to hear from your family!
